On Friday, April 1, 1921, the innovative curriculum of Hosei University’s preparatory course became a hot topic. Sohei Morita gave a lecture on Natsume Soseki’s “I am a Cat,” which was contemporary literature at the time. Toyoichiro Nogami, the head of the preparatory course, adopted a policy of “free organization and substantive education. He abolished hourly lecturers and made all lecturers full-time.

Also, Nihon University is preparing to establish an “Art University” advocating the popularization of the arts and the fostering of critics. Unique lecturers included painters Hyakusui Hirafuku, Hakutei Ishii, and Keiichiro Kume, art historians Seiichi Taki and Yoshinori Onishi, playwright Kaoru Osanai, and writer Kan Kikuchi. At that time, many private universities made various attempts.

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