1921 (Taisho 10) On Wednesday, June 22, the 3rd Comintern World Championship was held in Moscow. It’s for 22 days until July 12. Comintern is an international organization with the Communist Party of Russia led by Lenin and other Communist parties around the world as their branches. A total of 605 people from 103 political parties from more than 50 countries participated in this third convention. Taro YOSHIHARA and Unzo TAGUCHI joined from Japan. Taro Yoshihara is an American immigrant communist who participated in the second time last time. Unzo Taguchi, from Shiunji Village, Kitakambara-gun, Niigata Prefecture, became an assistant to Sen Katayama in New York after wandering around the world.
The third Comintern World Congress is focused on China, where Yang Mingzhai, the original Communist Party representative, did not arrive in Moscow, and Zhang Tailei, the representative of the Socialist Youth Group, attended. The first meeting of the Communist Party of China, which was held in Shanghai from July 23 to 31st of the following month, was held in the context of the Comintern Convention.

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